
Johnston-Blessman Post 38



Appleton American Legion Post 38 has partnered with GENEROUS to help manage much needed donations to our post. Your donations support a variety of programs including:

Family and Youth Programs (i.e., baseball and Boys Station/National)

Community Based Programs (i.e., Legion Riders, Operation Comfort Warriors and National Emergency Fund)

National and Policies Programs (i.e. State/National Convention, Washington Conference, and Legislative Affairs). 

Donate to your local Appleton American Legion Post 38, Post 38 Auxillary, and Appleton American Legion Baseball.  Your donations to any of these worthwhile organizations within Post 38 directly supports our Post's efforts in helping veterans. 

Additionally, please consider supporting the Community Foundation of the Fox Valley Region. It is through this that we are able to procure funds for our Post's college scholarship program.

To donate to the America Legion Post 38, please click here

To donate to the American Legion Post 38 Auxillary, please click here

To donate to the Appleton American Legion Baseball, please click here

To donate to the Community Foundation of the Fox Valley Region, please click here

Donations made through our partner GENEROUS can be accepted in the form of credit card, Google Pay, or bitcoin. 

Last but not least, your donations to our Post can be sent directly to the post at the address below. Please indicate where you would like your donation to go. 

Appleton American Legion Post 38
Attn: Donation
3220 W. College Ave
Appleton, WI 54914









Page Updated: 4 April 2022